Mid Semester Question of Genetics 2019

 Department of Bio-Technology
Time- 1hour
Session -2019
(1) Fill in the blanks:-
1. The term gene was coined by...…..(Johansen/Mendel).
2. Law of segregation is based on ………(Monohybrid/ Dihybrid Cross).
3. Edward syndrome is due to an extra chromosome in chromosome no ……….( chromosome no.18/ 13).
4. In Mendel's experiment dominant seed shape was ……….(Round/ Wrinkled).
5. Nitrogenous base is replaced by another base in ………..( Transition/ transversion).

2.Describe briefly on any 2 out of 3.

1. What is mutation? Briefly discuss about different types of mutation?
2. Discuss about Mendel's experiment on inheritance given by Mendel? What are the different laws of inheritance given by Mendel?

3. Short notes on any two of the following-

1. sickle cell anaemia
3.Down's syndrome
4. Test cross


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